EnviroVoters Experts
EnviroVoters can provide experts to the media on a wide range of climate issue areas. Our spokespeople have diverse backgrounds in advocacy, law, and politics. To arrange interviews with or comments from any of our experts, please contact us at erika@envirovoters.org.

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Mary has focused EnviroVoters on building power to solve the climate crisis, advancing climate justice, and creating the global roadmap for action. Under her leadership, EnviroVoters has launched three new local league PAC entities to expand organizing efforts in battleground regions across the state, stopped Big Oil’s candidates from advancing in the 2020 primary election, unseated two anti-environmental state senators in the general election, and led efforts in 2020 to expand mail ballots to every voter, protect in-person and drop box polling options, and lower the voting age.

Mike Young
Senior Political and Organizing Director
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Mike has nearly two decades of experience working on electoral campaigns and organizing. Along with key political and grassroots community partners, he builds strategic relationships to identify and support environmental leaders and hold legislators accountable to their community’s concerns. In 2013, he received the Carroll Inspiration Award by the San Fernando Valley Young Democrats, and in 2020 was listed on the Top 40 Under 40 by the National Association of Asian Pacifics in Politics and Public Affairs.

Matt Abularach-Macias
Deputy Campaigns Director
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Originally focused on San Bernardino and Riverside, Matt now works on statewide organizing efforts. Matt has built partnerships and amplified community concerns about the impacts of climate change, the local benefits from investments in clean energy, and the critical need to conserve and protect our environment.
Legislative affairs

Melissa Romero
Deputy Legislative Director
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Melissa represents EnviroVoters in the state capitol, lobbying for strong environmental policies and working with partner organizations to advance priority legislation. Her work includes tracking and prioritizing legislation, representing EnviroVoters on a variety of coalitions and networks, working with state legislators and their staff, and being the organization’s voice in Sacramento.
Federal affairs

Aaron McCall
Federal Advocacy Coordinator
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Aaron is EnviroVoters’ primary climate and clean energy advocate to Congress. He got his start as a young grassroots activist based out of Orange County, California, serving as the chairman of Indivisible OC 48 in California’s 48th congressional district. Aaron works actively in Orange County to advance conservation and climate action and was the 2019 OC League of Conservation Voters Activist of the Year.
Central Valley

Andrew Escamilla
Campaigns and Organizing Manager
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Andrew supports EnviroVoters’ organizing work in Fresno and the rest of the Central Valley. He organizes marginalized communities, ensuring their voices are centered and uplifted in addressing the climate crisis. Andrew shapes the public narrative, educates lawmakers, cultivates climate and environmental justice leaders, drives policy change, and expands regional partnerships in the Central Valley.