OAKLAND, CA — Today, California Environmental Voters (EnviroVoters) released the following statement in response to the suspense file hearings for the Assembly and Senate Appropriations committees. Â
Several key bills are on their way to the floor: to require polluters to pay for their fair of emissions (SB 1497), to limit low-producing oil wells inside health protection zones (AB 2716), to establish the fossil fuel industry’s liability for health risks (AB 3155), to protect local governments’ authority to regulate fossil fuel operations (AB 3233), and to enshrine the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment in our state constitution (ACA 16).Â
Statement from Mary Creasman, Chief Executive Officer, California Environmental Voters:
“Today’s appropriations hearings send a powerful message: the Legislature is unwavering in its commitment to hold corporate polluters accountable and advance climate justice. We are especially grateful to Senate Appropriations Chair Caballero and Pro Tem McGuire for moving forward all priority climate bills to the Senate floor.Â
We’ve got a tough few months ahead as our state leaders negotiate a strained budget, critical climate bonds, two-year bills, and house of origin floor votes. The big picture we all need to keep in focus is that California has the outsized global responsibility to prove we can solve the climate crisis, and define how we do it with justice and equity at the center. We won’t meet our goals unless we fund implementation and continue to make progress in 2024.”
Bills held in appropriations include:
- AB 1838, to prohibit the selling, repurposing, or redeveloping of the San Jacinto Wildlife Area.
- AB 2535, to improve quality of life for low-income and underserved communities living next to trade corridors.
- AB 3136, to codify the Bureau of Environmental Justice.
Erika Guzman Cornejo
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California Environmental Voters (formerly the California League of Conservation Voters) believes the climate crisis is here and this moment requires transformative change. California has the policy solutions to stop climate change but lacks the political will to do it at the rate and scale that’s necessary. EnviroVoters exists to build the political power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. We organize voters, elect and train candidates, and hold lawmakers accountable for bold policy change. We won’t stop until we have resilient, healthy, thriving communities, and a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all. Join us at www.envirovoters.org and on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. See more press releases.